
How Often Should You Masturbate to Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk? The Science-Backed Answer!

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Hunny, you are reading this so it’s safe to say you’re a guy and you’ve heard that regular ejaculation is good for your prostate health. 

However, you must be wondering; exactly how often do I need to get off to reap the benefits? Is it once a day, once a week, or somewhere in between?

That’s why we are here for you today darling! We’ve got the scoop on the ideal masturbation frequency for peak prostate health. Turns out, science does have some recommendations on how often you should charm the snake to keep those fluids flowing and prevent some prostate cancer risk factors down the road.

We’ll dish on the latest research and give you the magic number of times per week you should be emptying your magazine for a healthy prostate now and when you’re older. Plus, we’ve got some fun new techniques to try to make your solo time as satisfying as possible.

Alright, let’s talk about draining your main vein on the regular!

First things First: What’s The Prostate Gland?

Masturbation frequency and prostate cancer
Image by brgfx on Freepik

I know you are eager to dive in but let’s start with a quick overview of what the prostate actually is and and what it does.

This is a small gland, around the size of a walnut located just below the men’s bladder. Its main job? Producing a fluid that nourishes and transports sperm cells during ejaculation.

While it might be tiny, the prostate does more than just aid in baby-making. It’s also involved in urine control as it also surrounds part of the urethra which is the tube that carries urine out of the body.

As men age, the prostate can become enlarged, leading to issues like difficulty urinating and even an increased cancer risk. That’s why keeping this little gland healthy is very important especially as you get older.

The Science Behind Frequency of Ejaculation and Prostate Cancer Risk

Masturbation frequency and prostate health

Researchers at Harvard University tracked the ejaculation habits of over 30,000 men and discovered a rather surprising link between ejaculation frequency and their risk of developing prostate cancer later in life.

One major study looked at around 32,000 men and asked about their ejaculation frequency. The research, published in the journal European Urology, found that men who ejaculated more frequently at least 21 times per month had a significantly lower risk of developing prostate cancer compared to those with lower ejaculation frequencies.

Specifically, the data showed:

  • Men who ejaculated 21 or more times per month were 31% less likely to develop prostate cancer
  • Those who ejaculated 4-7 times per month had a 36% higher risk
  • The trend was seen in men across all age groups from their 20s to 70s

This study followed up with these men for nearly 18 years and revealed that frequent ejaculation between the ages of 20-50 was associated with a lower prostate cancer risk later in life. Men who ejaculated at least 21 times per month had a 20% lower lifetime risk.

How Does It Work?

The theory is that ejaculation through masturbation helps flush out cancer-causing agents and old cells from the prostate gland. When you ejaculate, the prostate gets a little workout by contracting and expelling some of the prostate fluid along with the semen.

Keeping up with regular ejaculation can:

  • Help flush out built-up seminal fluid
  • Promote better urine flow
  • Reduce the risk of prostate inflammation by clearing a buildup of potentially harmful substances
  • reduces the amount of time that carcinogenic substances to prevent the risk of prostate cancer

The more you “clear the pipes” so to speak, the less exposure your prostate has to these risky compounds over time.

How Often Should You Masturbate According to Science?

Alright, now let’s cut straight to the chase; how often should you ejaculate for peak prostate health benefits?

Most experts recommend aiming for 21 ejaculations per month, which averages out to about 5 times per week.

Of course, everyone is different in terms of age, lifestyle, and libido. The key is to find the “sweet spot” that works for your body by aiming for a healthy, regular, and sustainable ejaculation pattern whether through sex or masturbation without going overboard or forcing it to extremes.

However, you don’t need to start scheduling it into your calendar like a part-time job! Moderation is wise in all things.

As with most aspects of men’s health, open communication with your doctor is advised if you have any specific concerns or want personalized advice based on your situation.

At the end of the day, jerking off is just another reason to embrace your sexuality and not feel guilty about taking care of business. Within normal, reasonable limits of course. Use protection, stay safe, and enjoy those prostate cancer-fighting benefits.

Can I Ejaculate Too Much?

Yes, it’s possible to overdo it with ejaculation, especially if you’re masturbating frequently.

As we have said, keep in mind the studies only looked at ejaculation frequency up to around 21 times per month. More than that didn’t seem to provide any additional benefits.

Excessively frequent ejaculation (like multiple times per day) can potentially lead to some issues like:

  • Loss of libido
  • Irritation or soreness
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Genital pain
  • Difficulty achieving erections

    If you experience these, cutting back on your ejaculation frequency may help.

    If possible, aim for the 21 times balance through a combination of sex, masturbation, wet dreams, or whatever works for you hunny.

    Tips for Increasing Your Ejaculation Frequency

    Making some lifestyle adjustments can help increase ejaculation frequency for better prostate health. Here are some tips to try:

    Exercise Regularly

    Regular exercise boosts blood flow and hormone production which can improve sexual function. Aim for a mix of cardio like walking, running or swimming, along with strength training. Even light exercise a few times per week can make a difference.

    Limit Alcohol and Quit Cigarette Smoking

    Masturbation frequency and prostate health

    While a drink or two can act as a social lubricant, too much alcohol can make it difficult to get and maintain an erection. Smoking also impairs blood flow and has been linked to erectile dysfunction. Cut back on booze and quit smoking to improve sexual health.

    Eat a Prostate-Friendly DietSperm motility

    Masturbation frequency and prostate heath

    Load up on nutrient-dense foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean protein. Healthy fats like nuts, seeds, avocados and olive oil may also help. Limit processed and fried foods.

    Stay Hydrated

    Drinking plenty of water helps produce seminal fluid for stronger ejaculations. Aim for at least 8 glasses per day, and limit alcohol and sugary drinks.

    Minimize Stress and Anxiety

    Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your sexual health and libido. High levels of stress lead to increased cortisol production which can directly interfere with testosterone and other hormones involved in sexual function. Make stress management a priority through relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or just schedule more downtime.

    The good news is that regular masturbation also helps limit stress and promote better sleep so jerking off makes you kill several birds with one stone.

    Get Adequate Sleep

    Good sleep is essential for hormone balance and sexual health. On the other hand, a lack of quality sleep can tank your sex drive and make it difficult to get in the mood. Most adults need 7-9 hours per night. Prioritize good sleep hygiene by sticking to a regular schedule, avoiding screen time before bed, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and making your bedroom conducive for sleep.

    Try Supplements

    While research is still emerging, some supplements like L-arginine, ginseng, maca, pine bark extract and rhodiola may help boost libido and performance for some. However, check with your doctor first especially if you take medications.

    It’s also worth noting that supplements claiming to increase semen volume aren’t well-regulated and may be ineffective or even unsafe.

    That is why we recommend you stick to a healthy lifestyle and habits instead.

    Making small tweaks to your lifestyle can lead to bigger benefits in the bedroom over time.

    Other Ways to Support Prostate Health Besides Masturbation

    Ejaculating frequently may help promote prostate health, but it’s not the only factor. There are several other lifestyle habits you can adopt to keep your prostate in tip-top shape. Variety is the spice of life, right?

    Here are other factors you need to observe to reduce the risk of prostate cancer:

    Eat a Prostate-Friendly Diet

    What you eat plays a huge role in your overall prostate health. Load up on foods rich in:

    • Zinc – Found in oysters, beef, seeds, and nuts. Zinc is key for proper prostate function.
    • Lycopene – This powerful antioxidant in tomatoes may help prevent prostate cancer.
    • Omega-3s – Get plenty of fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines. The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3s are great for prostate health.

    At the same time, limit your intake of processed meats and charred or smoked foods as they may increase cancer risk.

    Stay Active

    Regular exercise has been linked to a lower risk of prostate issues. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. Mixing in some strength training is wise too.

    Shed Extra Weight

    Carrying excess body weight, especially around the midsection, can drive up the risk factors for prostate cancer. Focus on achieving and maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.9.

    Manage Stress

    Chronic stress can take a toll on your entire body, prostate included. Make relaxation a priority through yoga, meditation, massage or other stress-busting techniques. Your prostate will thank you.

    While ejaculation may give your prostate a healthy flush, don’t overlook these other crucial lifestyle factors. A multipronged approach is best for optimal prostate wellness.

    11 Fun Ways to Ejaculate Through Masturbation

    Darling, you don’t have to stick to the same old techniques to charm that snake! Over time, you will realize these same old methods don’t cut it up anymore because it gets boring.

    Here are 11 ways you can get creating jerk-off:

    1. Mix It Up

    Don’t get stuck in a routine! Get creative by experimenting with different strokes, grips, and techniques. Varying the sensations keeps things exciting and can help you last longer.

    2. Use Lube

    A high-quality personal lubricant reduces friction for a smoother glide. It makes manual stimulation feel amazing while preventing chafing. Get a water-based formula that’s body-safe and easy to clean up.

    3. Try Male Sex Toys

    Enhance the experience with a male masturbation sleeve, prostate massager or cock rings. The added textures and vibrations open up all kinds of new sensations and pathways to climax and can take you over the edge. Don’t be shy, they’re designed for incredible orgasms! Many are discreet too.

    4. Focus on Foreplay

    Building arousal slowly through foreplay increases blood flow for harder erections and more powerful ejaculations. Take your time with kissing, massage, and whole-body worship. The tease is half the fun.

    5. Switch Positions

    Certain sex positions like doggy-style or woman-on-top provide unique angles of friction and deeper penetration. Experiment to find what makes you go wild. Changing it up is key.

    6. Relax and Breathe

    Don’t grip too tight or tense up. Stay present by breathing deeply and letting arousal build naturally. An orgasmic mindset starts with being in the moment. in the moment.

    7. Edging for Intensity

    The stop-and-start “edging” technique builds crazy arousal. Get close, then back off until you’re right on the edge again and again. When you finally let go, the release is mind-blowing.

    8. Multitask for Multiple O’s

    Why stop at one? With some stamina, you can achieve multiple orgasms during a single session. Once you hit your peak, keep stroking that fire for even more explosive eruptions.

    9. Breath, Fantasize, and Visualize

    Slow, deep breathing helps you last longer and reach higher planes of ecstasy. Imagine yourself in an arousing scenario. If you have a partner, visualize your partner’s body, movements, and touch. Let your mind wander to all the erotic possibilities building up to climax. The more vivid and detailed your fantasies, the more intense your orgasm will likely be.

    10. Talk Dirty

    Spicing things up with some graphic sexual talk during foreplay and sex can boost arousal and help you both reach orgasm. Start by figuring out words that turn you on then go from there. Communication is key.

    11. Read Erotic Stories

    Erotica stories are a huge turn-on because they bring fantasies to life and heighten arousal. Look for stories that reflect your interests and get you in the mood. Then let your imagination run wild as you indulge in any of your sexual activities.


    So what’s the take-home message here? Masturbating a few times a week seems to be ideal for prostate health. Any more or less may not be doing you any favors. 

    Finding your personal sweet spot when it comes to ejaculation frequency can keep those swimmers swimming and your prostate happy. Remember, moderation is key, so don’t stress if you’re not hitting some perfect number each week. 

    Overall, just be sure to listen to your body, stay attuned to any changes, and talk to your doctor if you have any concerns. Finding balance with self-love can be a healthy part of maintaining your prostate and your overall well-being.

    AUTHOR: Lena

    Hi there, I'm Lena. I write articles on this adult blog.

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