
6 Surprising Amazing Facts You Didn’t Know About Masturbation and Sleep

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You know those nights when you’re tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep no matter how hard you try? We’ve all been there. But what if I told you there’s a simple, natural solution that can help relax both your body and mind for better sleep?

I understand that you might think you know all there is to know about your bedtime routines but trust me, there’s a lot more that can surprise you.

New research suggests that masturbation before bed has an unexpected connection with sleep quality. Let’s be real, many of us engage in a little nighttime self-pleasure from time to time. What you may not realize is that masturbating before bed can have some surprising benefits for your sleep and that’s what I am here for today.

By the time you finish reading this article, you may never think about your nighttime routine the same way again.

Let’s get started without further ado, shall we?

1. Masturbation Can Help You Fall Asleep Faster

Masturbation and sleep

Do you know that blissful feeling of drowsiness after orgasm? Ever wondered why you feel so relaxed? Well, as it turns out, orgasming releases a flood of hormones that act as natural sedatives. When you masturbate and earn explosive orgasms, your body releases dopamine, oxytocin, and prolactin. These hormones activate the body’s reward center and stimulate feelings of:

  • Pleasure
  • Satisfaction
  • Contentment

All these feelings help shift your mind and body into a relaxed state ideal for sleep. Oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone,” promotes feelings of calm and relaxation that pave the way for sleep. It counteracts the effects of cortisol, the stress hormone that can keep you up at night.

Masturbation also leads to the release of prolactin, a hormone that causes drowsiness and a drop in body temperature that is ideal for sleep. Studies show prolactin levels are highest during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep and lower during waking hours. The boost in prolactin from masturbating tricks your body into thinking it’s time for sleep.

In addition to hormones, masturbation causes a release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers that activate opioid receptors in the brain responsible for pleasure and sedation. The endorphins from masturbation act as a natural tranquilizer that mellows your mind and muscles.

The combination of oxytocin, prolactin, and endorphins from masturbation work together to relax your body and mind, relieve any pain, and promote feelings of contentment so you can slip faster and easily into a peaceful slumber.

One study found that a high percentage of people who masturbated before bed fell asleep faster and slept more soundly than those who didn’t. The increase in oxytocin and decrease in cortisol levels that happen after orgasming are thought to be responsible for the sedative effect.

2. Improved Sleep Quality

Masturbation and sleep

Research has shown that the rush of endorphins can help calm your mind and body. This post-orgasmic state is the perfect formula for drifting off to sleep. But, how?

When you reduce stress levels and anxiety through masturbation, you’re not only preparing your body for rest but also creating a mental state conducive to sleep. Your mind and muscles are relaxed, your arousal has been satisfied, and you’ve released pent-up energy that could keep you awake.

A study from the Sleep Foundation highlights that a relaxed state of mind leads to fewer interruptions during the night. This means fewer interruptions during the night resulting in more restful and continuous sleep.

3. Longer Sleep Time

As we mentioned earlier, masturbation also causes the release of prolactin, a hormone that contributes to feelings of sexual satisfaction and a sense of relaxation. Prolactin levels remain elevated for hours after orgasm, keeping you in a calm state during which it’s easy to stay asleep for long.

Masturbation also reduces stress and anxiety by lowering cortisol levels and increasing endorphins, creating a calm mental state conducive to longer sleep. Additionally, the endorphins released act as natural painkillers that alleviate the discomfort that could disrupt sleep duration. The result is longer, higher-quality sleep as your body can move through the stages of sleep more slowly.

4. Enhances Sleep Cycles

Not only does masturbation help with the onset of sleep, but it also has a surprisingly profound effect on your sleep cycles. Your sleep cycle consists of several stages. These stages include light sleep, deep sleep (also known as slow-wave sleep), and REM sleep.

The deep stage of sleep is responsible for memory consolidation, immune function, and feeling well-rested upon waking. Research shows masturbation leads to increased deep sleep. Masturbation also increases REM sleep and this is the stage associated with dreaming and mood regulation.

People who masturbate tend to spend more time in the deepest stages of sleep. They wake up less often and report feeling more rested in the morning.

This is because masturbation can help regulate these cycles by promoting a sense of relaxation and reducing stress, which can enhance the transition between different sleep stages. This balance is crucial for feeling refreshed and energized the next day. When you get a full cycle of sleep stages in your daily life, you harmonize your internal clock and primes you for overall sleep health and improved cognitive and physical performance during the day.

5. Masturbation Can Help Combat Insomnia

Masturbation and sleep

Most of us have been there, lying in bed at night, staring at the ceiling, and wishing for sleep to come. If you are familiar with this frustrating frequent struggle with insomnia or restlessness at night, masturbation can be your game-changer.

Surprised? So was I my darling. Insomnia often stems from anxiety and an overactive mind. As we discussed earlier, masturbation helps calm these racing thoughts by stimulating the production of oxytocin and relieves built-up stress and tension in both your mind and body. The physical release provides a distraction from your stressful thoughts, and the biochemical effects help calm anxiety and worry leading to sleep.

Additionally, when you masturbate, your body produces melatonin. Melatonin is responsible for causing changes in your body temperature to induce sleep onset at night so you can fall asleep. Your body naturally produces more melatonin at night to regulate your circadian rhythm, but masturbation gives it an extra boost. With more melatonin surging through your body combined with the drop in heart rate and blood pressure, you’ll feel drowsy as this sends signals to your brain and body that it’s time to sleep.

According to research and studies, the deep sleep you achieve from oxytocin and melatonin helps combat insomnia and restlessness over the long run. This is because regular masturbation can help establish a more consistent sleep pattern which of course offers a non-pharmacological solution for insomnia and other sleep disorders.

6. Helps With Menstrual Cramps

Masturbation and Sleep

If you’re one of the many women who experience painful menstrual cramps, research and studies show that women who masturbate on period days reported fewer and less severe menstrual cramps. This, of course, translates to better sleep during your period.

When you orgasm, your body releases endorphins that act as natural painkillers and mood boosters. Endorphins help block pain signals in the brain and spinal cord which can relieve cramping in the abdomen and pelvic area.

Masturbating also increases blood flow to your pelvic region, which helps relax the muscles causing cramps. The increased circulation provides more oxygen to your reproductive organs and surrounding muscles. This helps them relax, easing discomfort from cramping.

In addition to endorphins, as we have mentioned and discussed, masturbation also prompts the release of oxytocin, the “love hormone.” Oxytocin works as an anti-inflammatory, helping reduce inflammation in the uterus that leads to cramping pain. The rush of good feelings from an orgasm can also provide a pleasant distraction from any lingering cramps giving a quality night.

How Much Masturbation Is Too Much for Sleep?

As we have seen through research and proven studies, masturbation is a safe, natural sedative that can help you drift off to sleep. However, how much of this sexual activity is too much of a good thing?

As with many things and any other sexual activity, moderation is key for the best sleep benefits. While an orgasm or two before bed may help relax you and release pent-up energy, going overboard can actually expose you to the negative effects of masturbation including keeping you awake or disrupting your sleep later on.

A good rule of thumb is to limit masturbation to 2-3 times per day before bed although just once can still be enough for the best sleep quality.

Any more frequent than that, and you risk overstimulating yourself mentally and physically, making it harder to fall asleep. Your body also gets used to the routine, so the sedative effect may start to wear off if done too often.

Of course, every person is different, so find what works for you. But as a starting point, a couple times a week is a healthy amount that should help you drift off to sleep without interfering with your sleep cycles or energy levels.

How to Masturbate Before Going to Sleep

Trust me, darling, masturbation requires a perfect environment to get off and get electrifying orgasms. Creating the right mood, and using the right techniques will help you relax and reconnect with your body so that you can immerse yourself in the intense wave of mesmerizing pleasure without worrying about anything. 

Follow these steps:

Have Everything You Need at Hand

Make sure you have everything you need within easy reach. Come prepared with the right nightclothes, tissues, wipes, a condom if you want an easy cleanup, socks for a jerk-off, a good pillow for humping, lubricant, towels, and a good sex toy. If you are on your period, have menstrual products at hand. With these essentials on hand, you’ll be equipped for maximum pleasure during your period and you will have adequate peace of mind for electrifying pleasure.

Set the Mood

If you have the time and privacy, dim the lights, light some candles, and set your phone screen on the lowest brightness setting. Keeping things mellow will make it easier for your mind and body to relax into sleep mode after you finish. Next, put yourself in the mood by reading a steamy story that gets your heart racing, watching porn, listening to erotic audio, or fantasizing about an erotic scenario. Remember, it’s all about what arouses and puts you in the mood. You know yourself best so pick whatever medium that sparks your arousal.

Start Slow

Don’t rush into things. Take deep breaths and gently massage your erogenous zones. Build up arousal gradually. The slower you go, the more intense your orgasm will be.

Use lubricant

Whether you’re a guy or a lady, lube enhances sensation and makes the experience more pleasurable. Look for a water-based lubricant that’s safe for solo play.

Explore your erogenous zones

For women, the clitoris, G-spot, and nipples are especially sensitive. For men, gently cup and massage the testicles. Trying new techniques keeps things interesting. Next, take things into serious business by:

Edge yourself

Bring yourself close to orgasm then stop stimulation. Repeat this a few times. When you finally reach the climax, it will be much more powerful. Edging also prolongs the pleasurable sensations.

Clean Up

After you finish, wipe clean up by wiping yourself and dispose of used condoms or tissues immediately. Avoid looking at bright screens. Keep the lights low and do some light stretching. Your body will be flooded with relaxing hormones, so make the most of them and dive into your sweet sleep.

Masturbation and Sleep: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Does masturbation help with sleep?

Yes, masturbation with orgasm can have positive effects on sleep. Studies have shown that it improves sleep quality and reduces the time it takes to fall asleep.

2. Why does masturbation make you feel sleepy?

Masturbation releases several natural hormones including oxytocin and prolactin that promote relaxation and sleep. Oxytocin helps improve sleep quality and reduce stress, while prolactin, which increases during orgasm, is linked to feelings of sleepiness.

3. Is it okay to rely on masturbation to fall asleep?

Yes, using masturbation as a sleep aid is considered normal and many people incorporate it into their bedtime routine. It can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality which makes it a form of self-care.

4. Can masturbation without orgasm affect sleep?

Yes, masturbation activity without orgasm may delay sleep onset and reduce sleep quality. Lack of orgasm can be frustrating and may impair the relaxing effects typically associated with sexual activity.

5. Are there other ways to improve sleep?

Yes, there are other methods you can use to improve your quality of sleep. We recommend natural ways including getting morning sunlight, exercising to maintain good physical health, limiting caffeine and alcohol after midday, and maintaining a cool and dark bedroom.

6. What could prevent someone from orgasming after masturbation?

There are several reasons but the most common ones include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and delayed ejaculation. These issues can interfere with achieving orgasm and the subsequent relaxation that aids in sleep.

7. Are there benefits of masturbation apart from sleep aids?

Yes, there are other amazing benefits of masturbation. They include stress relief, improved sexual function, improved mental health, pain relief, a better understanding of one’s body, and positive body image.


Who knew taking matters into your own hands could have such surprising benefits when it comes to improving your Zzz’s? While more research is still needed, the existing science clearly shows masturbation can work wonders by releasing sleep-inducing hormones, enhancing sleep cycles, and acting as a natural pain reliever.

When you’re having trouble sleeping, your go-to remedy may be closer than you think. Just be sure to stick to a reasonable routine because too much masturbation can also disrupt sleep patterns. Go ahead and enjoy those relaxing benefits as you drift off to dreamland.


Hi there, I'm Lena. I write articles on this adult blog.

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