
Behind Red Hairs

Sophie turned around wearily in her old single bed that stood in the cluttered dorm room. The early morning light came through the worn curtains, casting faint stripes on the walls. She sighed deeply, feeling the familiar weight of sadness settle over her. Every now and then memories of her past drifted through her mind.

Sophie always got a headache when she thought back to that terrible time. Her vibrant red hair made her an easy target for bullies. It all started in primary school. She remembered the cruel taunts and jeers from her classmates, the way they’d pull her hair and call her names: “Carrot top,” “firehead,” “freckle face” – these words still stung, even years later. The bullying had been relentless, chipping away at her self-esteem bit by bit.

Things got worse in her high school days, where the bullying had intensified. At first she had tried to blend in but almost everyone ignored her and nobody wanted to sit next to her in class. After that she had tried to be invisible so much she possibly could. But with red hair and freckles she was sure to be noticed anyway. And to make matters worse she had worn braces and large, round glasses back then, which only added fuel to the bullies’ fire. Her shy and introverted nature made it difficult to stand up against her bullies. She ignored them, but when she came home she would often burst into tears.

Now, at twenty-four, Sophie was in her final year of university, studying English literature. But despite her academic success, and the fact that she wasn’t bullied that much anymore, her insecurities from her past lingered. Apart from some contacts at university, she had no real girlfriends. And in all those years she had never had a boyfriend, even though she really wanted one. She still found it hard to believe that anyone could truly like her for who she was.

Sophie pushed herself out of her old bed and walked over to the small bathroom. She took a moment to examine herself in front of the mirror, something she rather avoided. Her red hair, which had been a source of torment for so many years, now fell in soft waves around her shoulders. Her bright green eyes gave her a friendly appearance and her braces were long gone, revealing straight, white teeth. Freckles dusted her nose and cheeks, giving her a unique and charming look. In fact she had become a very pretty young woman, but despite the changes she often felt like the awkward teenager she once was.

She preferred contacts most days but she still wore glasses every now and then, because the insecurities from her past had a way of creeping back in.

After brushing her teeth, taking a shower, and drying up Sophie walked nude back into the dorm. 

That was also something she didn’t dare to do for years. She was terrified that someone would see her through the worn out curtains. Of course it was nonsense, because she lived on the 4th floor and the nearest buildings were at least tens of meters away. Besides, her body was nothing to be ashamed of. She was tall and slim. There were freckles on her upper arms and above her cup breasts. The most noticeable thing was the bush of pubic hair that was the same shade of red as on her head. It ran from her pubic area to the anus between her nicely shaped buttocks.

Sophie sighed and looked in her wooden wardrobe. She was embarrassed that she didn’t have much choice. But she didn’t actually have any money to buy new clothes.

She reluctantly put on her underwear and then she decided to pull on a pair of jeans and a soft oversized sweater.

She hurriedly grabbed her bag and put on her winter coat. Today was just another day to get through.

In the afternoon, Sophie found herself in the university library, a place where she retreated after the lecture. She often went there to find comfort and silence. 

This time she needed a few books for an essay.

Sophie walked to the section where she was supposed to be. To her annoyance, the book she needed was near the top of one of the tall bookcases.

Due to fear of heights, she nervously climbed the ladder to reach the books. 
She carefully stretched her arm to the right. Shit! She couldn’t reach it. Sophie leaned slightly to the side and with her fingertips the book was lifted slightly from the shelves.

But the book was too heavy and she could no longer hold it.
And there the book fell….

As it was about to hit the ground, a steady hand reached out and caught it.

“Oof, just in time!” said a warm voice.

Sophie looked down, startled, into the kind eyes of a tall young man. He had a friendly smile that instantly put her at ease. His skin was deep dark brown, and his short-cropped hair framed his face perfectly. There was something about him that exuded confidence and kindness all at once.

“Th-thank you,” Sophie stammered, her cheeks flushing slightly.

“No problem,” he replied. “I saw something going wrong, so I thought I’d come to your aid.”

“Thanks again,” Sophie said as she nervously climbed down.

“Here,” the young man said when she was downstairs again and he handed her the book. “I’m Jayden, by the way. We haven’t met before.”

“Sophie,” she said, as she took the book from Jayden’s hands, her fingers brushing against his for a brief moment. feeling a bit more composed. “No, I don’t think we have.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Sophie,” Jayden said, his smile broadening while revealing his snow-white teeth. “Do you need help finding any other books?”
Sophie hesitated because of her usual shyness kicking in. But Jayden’s friendly demeanor made it hard to retreat into her shell. “Um, actually, yes. I need a few more books for my essay.”

“Shall I help you with finding them?” Jayden offered.

“Y-Yes, if you like to..” Sophie stammered.

As they walked through the aisles, Sophie couldn’t help but steal glances at Jayden. There was something about him that she found reassuring. Normally she would have immediately said ‘no’ to men and quickly left.

“So, what’s your essay about?” Jayden asked, breaking the silence.

“It’s on the symbolism of nature in Romantic poetry,” Sophie replied, while she tried to conceal her nerves. “I’m focusing on how poets like Wordsworth and Coleridge used nature to express deeper philosophical ideas.”

With shaky hands she handed Jayden her reading list.

Jayden nodded as he glared over her list. “That looks interesting. I’m more into modern literature, but I’ve always admired how the Romantics could capture such profound thoughts with simple natural imagery.”

Sophie smiled, feeling a spark of excitement. “Exactly! It’s amazing how they could see the beauty and complexity in the simplest things.”

Jayden knew exactly where to walk and promptly grabbed another book from her list. “You must really love literature. It’s nice to meet someone who shares the same kind of passion.”

Sophie smiled modestly. “I do. It’s always been my escape, my way of understanding the world.”

Jayden’s expression softened. “I can relate to that. Growing up, books were my refuge too. Especially since I didn’t always fit in.”

Sophie looked at him curiously. “Really?”

Jayden nodded. “Yeah, I was one of the two black kids back in high school. It wasn’t easy, I can tell you that. But reading books helped me through that period….”

Sophie felt a connection forming between them, a shared understanding of what it meant to feel different. For a moment she wanted to open her mouth and tell something about herself, but she didn’t…. What if he won’t like me anymore? ran through her mind.

They spent the next hour gathering the remaining books on Sophie’s list, talking and sharing stories about their favorite authors and novels. 

As they made their way to the checkout desk, Jayden turned to her. “Would you like to grab a coffee sometime? We could continue this conversation outside the library?”

Sophie hesitated for a moment, the familiar doubts creeping in. But looking into Jayden’s warm, encouraging eyes, she found the courage to push them aside. “I’d like that.”

Jayden smiled. “Great! How about tomorrow after class?”

“Tomorrow sounds perfect,” Sophie replied, her heart lifting with anticipation.

Sophie and Jayden started meeting regularly after their first encounter in the library. In the beginning their conversations were mainly about studies and their interest in literature, but over time it became more and more personal. Sophie found herself looking forward to these conversations, feeling a connection with Jayden that she hadn’t felt with anyone else in a long time. Let alone with a man. 

They often met at a cozy coffee shop near the campus. It had become their little haven, a place where they could just be just the two of them. They always sat in the back, where it was intimate and private.

One rainy afternoon, they were seated at their usual corner table, books and notes spread out in front of them. The soft patter of rain against the window created a soothing backdrop to their study session.

“Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough?” Sophie blurted out, after a usual silence, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jayden looked up from his notes, his eyes filled with concern. “Why do you say that?”

Sophie hesitated, her fingers nervously tracing the rim of her tea cup. “I don’t know. It’s just… sometimes I feel like you’re just being polite. Like you don’t really want to spend time with me anymore..”

Jayden’s expression softened, and he reached across the table, gently covering her hand with his. “Sophie, that’s not true at all. I genuinely enjoy spending time with you, otherwise I wouldn’t be here. You’re a smart, kind, and an attractive woman!”

Sophie felt a lump form in her throat. “But why? I’ve always felt like an outsider, like I don’t belong anywhere.”

Jayden sighed, and grabbed her other hand with his other hand. “I know exactly what it feels like. As I’ve told you before, I was the only black kid growing up. I was different, and that made me a target. People can be so cruel, and I was bullied a lot. Books were my escape, my way of finding peace.”

Sophie looked at him, her eyes brimming with empathy. “I’m sorry, Jayden. I didn’t know.”

Jayden shook his head. “Don’t be. It’s part of who I am, and it’s made me stronger. But it’s also made me appreciate genuine connections when I find them. And what we have, Sophie, it’s real! Please don’t think I spend time with you out of pity. I do it because I want to.”

Sophie felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes. She had spent so much of her life feeling like an outsider, like she was never good enough. Hearing Jayden’s words was like a balm to her wounded heart.

Jayden smiled, his eyes warm and reassuring. “Sophie, if you ever feel that way again, just remember that you’re not alone. We’ve both been through a lot, but that doesn’t define us. What matters is how we move forward.”

Sophie nodded. For the first time in a long while, she felt understood, seen for who she truly was.

“Thank you,” she whispered, squeezing his warm hand. “I needed to hear that.” Jayden nodded and stroked her hands with his fingers.

When Sophie came home that evening, her emotions were all over the place. She could cry because all the bad memories from the past came back. At the same time, she was so happy that she had found someone with whom she clicked so well. 

And there was the fear: Was it just a friendship, or was it the beginning of something more? Was she good enough to be his girlfriend? She couldn’t imagine that there weren’t more women who liked Jayden. He was handsome, smart and so sweet.

Just before she went to bed, Sophie looked hopefully at her phone to see if Jayden had texted her.


She decided to send him something herself: 

“Dear Jayden, 

Thank you for today and your kind words! 

Love, Sophie.”

She took off her clothes except her slip and put on her nightgown. 

Then she got into bed. 

Her phone made the typical WhatsApp sound and Sophie didn’t know how quickly to grab her phone.

A message from Jayden and she opened it:

“Dear Sophie,

I really enjoyed being with you too. I think you’re great!

I’m going to sleep now because I have to get up early tomorrow.

XXX ♥️.”

Sophie’s heart jumped when she read it. 

She quickly texted back: 

“Good night!

She stared at Jayden’s message for a while. He thinks I’m fantastic?! Kisses and a heart! What did he mean by that? 

Did Jayden like her as much as she liked him? 

When she finally put her phone away, Sophie felt an urge had been feeling for a while. Especially after today with Jayden: The need to masturbate!

She placed her right hand on her crotch and started stroking. She enjoyed the tingling sensation and quickly pulled down her slip. 

Sophie felt she was already wet and wiped the vaginal fluid on her red pubic hair.

She pushed the blanket away and took off her nightgown as well. She bent over and tightened her arms and grabbed the pillow at the foot of the bed. She often used that to masturbate. Because she liked it better than when she used her fingers, she called it ‘her gentle lover’.

Sophie placed the pillow between her legs and started rubbing against it. 

She closed her eyes and tried to imagine what it would feel like when Jayden had one of his hands there. Those lovely big soft hands that caressed her hands today, but now rubbing her pussy.

Sophie turned over and lay on her stomach with the pillow still between her legs. She gently wiggled back and forth, occasionally shaking her ass.

“Ohhh!” she moaned because it felt so good. With her mouth half open, she imagined French kissing Jayden. Without really realizing it, she stuck her tongue out a little. The tip of her tongue touched the pillow under her head. Wet spots from the saliva appeared on the pillow.

To feel more stimulation she sat on the side of the pillow. Her shins and knees hit the mattress and her hands were now free. She kneaded her tits with her fingers as she began to rock back and forth more vigorously on the pillow.

Sophie’s fantasy continued: she was now fucking Jayden. Of course she had never done it before, but she tried to imagine what it would be like. 

She rode him and her hands gripped pillows tightly. The humping caused the old bed to make squeaking noises. It always did while she was doing that and it just made it more horny.

“Ahhh, Ohh,” she moaned every now and then.

After two intense minutes of humping, her orgasm was a fact. She felt sweat on her face and back. Exhausted, she lay down on her stomach again. After taking a deep breath in and out, Sophie pulled the pillow away from between her legs. As usual, she glanced at the old pillowcase. There were some wet smudges here and there. She quickly threw the pillow to the end of the bed and got up.

Sophie wiped her face dry with the pillow she always slept on. Then she put her slip and nightgown back on and crawled under the covers. That was wonderful, she thought, and shortly afterwards she fell asleep like a log.

Over the next few weeks Sophie and Jayden’s friendship deepened. They continued their meeting, often extending their time together to include lunches and occasional walks around the campus. 

This evening, Jayden invited Sophie to the annual university theater. He thought she would like it and it would be a perfect way for them to spend more time together.

The theater was bustling with students and faculty, everyone eager to see the latest play put on by the university’s drama department. As they found their seats, Sophie felt a mix of excitement and nerves. She had never attended a university event like this before and put on her best clothes. If you could even call it that, because she was all old.

Sophie was grateful to have Jayden by her side.

“Have you been to one of these before?” Sophie asked Jayden between the noise.

“A few times,” Jayden replied with a smile. “I love the creativity and effort that goes into these productions. And it’s a great way to support our fellow students.”

Sophie nodded, feeling a sense of admiration for Jayden’s enthusiasm and support for the arts. As the lights dimmed and the play began, she found herself drawn into the story, the actors’ performances captivating her attention.

During intermission, they stepped out into the lobby to stretch their legs and grab a drink. Sophie couldn’t stop talking about the first half of the play, her excitement palpable.

“I love how they adapted the story,” she said, her eyes shining. “The set design is incredible, and the actors are so talented.”

Jayden chuckled, enjoying her enthusiasm. “I’m glad you’re having a good time. I thought you might like this.”

As they sipped their drinks, a group of students nearby caught Sophie’s attention. They were whispering and glancing in her direction, their expressions disapproving. Sophie’s heart sank as she overheard snippets of their conversation.

“Can you believe it?  That redhaired freak is with that ugly negro!” one guy said, his tone filled with disdain. “Such a disgusting couple!”

“Yeah, it’s weird seeing them together,” another girl giggled.

Sophie’s face flushed with embarrassment and hurt. She turned away, trying to hide her reaction, and took the drink Jayden gave her. When they walked back together to their seats, Sophie felt people staring at them. Their gazes felt like stabs in her body.

The second half of the play was actually ruined for Sophie. The hurtful comments about her Jayden haunted her mind. When the performance was over, she deliberately stayed seated until as many people as possible had left.

“Sophie, what’s wrong?” he asked, concern etched on his face.

“Nothing,” Sophie quickly lied and she got up slowly. She didn’t want to run into those mean people.

They walked silently to the coat racks where there were only a few people left. Their coats were still hanging neatly next to each other. Jayden could tell something was going on, but didn’t want to ask Sophie again.

“Shall we go out there?” Sophie asked, pointing to an exit where no one else was going out.

“If that’s what you want,” Jayden said, if only to understand what was going on.

They were now standing at the side of the building and they had to walk a bit to get to their bikes. The steam from their breath could be seen through the cold.
Jayden put his arm around Sophie and asked again: “What’s wrong?”

She hesitated, unsure if she should tell him. But the look in his eyes gave her the courage to speak. “I overheard what people said during the intermission. They said horrible things about us,” she said with a lump in her throat. 

Jayden’s expression hardened. “Don’t listen to them, Sophie. They don’t even know us. Just ignore them!”

He gently took her hand, like he did before and he looked deep into her eyes. “I really love being here with you, and I don’t care what other people think of us. When I’m with you, I feel like I can be myself. I hope you feel the same about me.”

Tears welled up in Sophie’s eyes, but not just with sadness but even more from Jayden’s kind words..

Without another word, Jayden came closer to her face,  and gave her a kiss on her cheek. Besides the warmth she felt on her cheek from Jason’s soft lips, there was also a glow of warmth throughout her body. Without hesitation, she hugged Jayden and gave him a gentle kiss back. 

In her haste, she hit Jayden’s ear rather than his cheek, but Jayden didn’t care.
“I’m glad we came here tonight,”  he whispered in her ear.

“So do I,” Sophie replied, feeling somewhat better. When they let go of each other, Jayden asked: “Would you like to come over to my place for a bit? I can make us some tea, and we could talk more. 

He felt his stomach do a somersault, because he never asked a girl to come to his place. “No pressure, of course,” he quickly added when Sophie didn’t respond right away.

Sophie hesitated for a moment, her heart racing. But the warmth in Jayden’s eyes reassured her. “I’d like that,” she said, smiling.

“I have to warn you. It’s quite a bike ride from here.”

Sophie shrugged her shoulders with a smile, but she soon regretted it. It was half an hour by bike from the university. And with the cold and wind that was no fun. 
Certainly not with the thought that she would have to cycle back later and that would take more than half an hour, because her apartment was further south.

As they entered the apartment building, Sophie was reminded of her own place but she didn’t feel comfortable here. She was in a part of town she had never been to before and she had gone to the home of a man all alone. Hadn’t her mother told her not to? Come on, Jayden is kind and he is not a stranger anymore, Sophie told herself.

Unlike her own dorm, Jayden’s was on the second floor. Jayden led the way into the gray hallway where the fluorescent tubes flashed as if they were about to go out at any moment. Jayden stopped halfway down the hall and grabbed keys from his pocket.

He opened the door to his room and turned on the light….

Sophie looked around, feeling a sense of calm wash over her. His room was perhaps a bit larger than hers, but very neat. 

“Make yourself comfortable,” said Jayden, pointing to the small sofa in front of an old TV as he walked to the kitchenette to make tea.

Sophie took off her coat and sat on the sofa, laying her coat over the armrest. She looked around and everywhere she looked she saw shelves full of books. Even above the double bed that was beneath the window.

On one of the shelves she spotted a photo of Jayden, probably in his teens, with an older woman. That must be his mother, Sophie thought and it made her curious about the rest of his family.

Jayden returned with two steaming mugs and sat down beside her. “Here you go, herbal tea. It’s my favorite in the evening.”

“Thank you,” Sophie said, taking the mug. “Your place is nice. And it’s so……”

“Poor?” Jayden chuckled finishing her sentence. “I think so too. It’s not much, but I simply can’t afford something better at the moment.”

“No, I wasn’t going to say that,” Sophie said in a serious tone.” In contrast to the building, it feels very nice. And if you think your dorm is poor, then you shouldn’t see mine.”

They sipped their tea in comfortable silence for a few moments, then Sophie spoke as she gestured to the photo. “I assume that’s your mother?”
“You guessed that right,” Jayden said. “She is very dear to me. My father abandoned us and I have no contact with my elder sister either. What about yours?”

Sophie already regretted talking about this subject because she didn’t want to talk about her own family. She did not have a very warm relationship with her parents, despite the fact that parents paid for her education.

“I don’t see my parents that often,” Sophie said firmly and immediately came up with a counter question. “Is there anyone else important in your life aside from your mother?”

“As a matter of fact there is someone,” said Jayden and he took another sip from his tea.

She looked at him with curiosity.

“The woman sitting here next to me.”

Sophie felt herself turning red and didn’t know how quickly to look at the floor. She couldn’t get a word out of her mouth and put the cup of tea on the floor. Jayden sensed her discomfort and placed his cup on the floor as well since there was no table to put it on.

“You know, Sophie. I’ve never felt this kind of connection with anyone before.”
“That’s so sweet of you to say that,” Sophie responded in a shy voice as she sought eye contact again. “I feel the same way about you……”

Jayden came sitting closer, which was hardly possible because he already sat close due to the small couch.
They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment and then….they kissed.

With his beautiful big hands Jayden caressed the sides of Sophie’s face, as she placed her hands around his neck. She had never kissed before, but enjoyed the warm and wetness of his tongue and prominent lips. Meanwhile, she played with his frizzy hair with her fingertips.

The French kissing went on for a while and Jayden started to notice that he was getting more and more aroused. He let go of Sophie and looked lovingly into her eyes again. She said nothing and laid her head against his chest. He put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head, her red hair sticking to his lips for a moment.

Jayden really wanted more, but what was he supposed to do? Should he ask her? Or should he place his hands on more intimate places? He decided to take a chance:

“Ehh Sophie, I don’t know exactly how to say this, but I really enjoyed kissing you. I think it would be wonderful to become more intimate. Do you want to have sex with me?”

As he asked that he felt his cock slowly becoming stiff. 

Sophie didn’t know what she heard. She had enjoyed the kissing too, but sex already? At the same time, she always wanted to have sex, so why not now? Of course she had known Jayden for a while and had fantasized about him before while masturbating, but she didn’t know if she was ready for it.

“Well, to be honest I’ve never had sex before and I don’t know if I’m ready,” said Sophie with difficulty as she moved her face from Jayden’s body.
Jayden looked at her with understanding. “I’m also a virgin and how nice would it be to have sex together?”

“Really?” Sophie asked. “But you always seem so confident…”

“Yes, really,” Jayden replied calmly. “In all those years I have not yet met the right woman.”

Although his words reassured Sophie, she still had doubts. Internally she experienced a struggle between wanting and not wanting.

Jayden looked at her hopefully and she nodded in agreement.

Hesitating what to do next, Sophie started to take off her shoes. Jayden watched lustfully and did the same.Then he stood up and took Sophie by the hands and said “come”. He took Sophie a few meters to the left to his bed. His heart was pounding madly in his chest as he carefully sat her down.

The mattress felt soft under Sophie’s buttocks and the tension was sensible throughout her whole body. She took a deep breath and watched Jayden take off his socks and sit next to her. He kissed her cheek and his hands found their way under her sweater. His warm fingertips slid over the skin of her back.

Sophie imitated him by running her hands under his turtleneck and shirt. His skin felt smooth, but wait, what was that? That felt very strange and rigid. Strange, she thought, noticing how Jayden tried to take off her sweater. She decided to help him by raising her arms and Jayden then lifted her sweater. Her head got stuck for a moment, but luckily Jayden was careful.

There she was in her bra and Sophie put her sweater down next to her. Jayden’s mouth went dry when he saw the beautifully shaped breasts, even though they were not completely bare yet. Sophie had freckles above her breasts as well as on her face; he thought it was incredibly sexy.

He carefully held out his hands and just before he touched her, he asked, “Can I feel them?”
Sophie nodded.

Jayden’s fingertips caressed the tops of her breasts. Then the large hands disappeared behind her back; ready to expose those breasts.
“Wait,” Sophie said in a whistling tone just before Jayden unhooked her bra. He stopped abruptly, after which Sophie tried to get Jayden’s sweater off. Impatient from horniness, Jayden helped by taking off his sweater himself.

Then Jayden didn’t know how quickly he had to get his hands back on the clasp of Sophie’s bra. Meanwhile, Sophie started unbuttoning his shirt.

Yes! Jayden had her bra undone at the back and the tension in his stomach increased. He calmly took the straps off her shoulders and when her bra slid off, he felt his cock getting really stiff.

Sophie saw Jayden staring at her breasts and started undoing the buttons of his shirt faster. The faster he goes naked, the better, she thought. When she had undone all the buttons, he took off his sleeves himself. Just before Jayden wanted to touch her and kiss her, Sophie pulled her body back.

“What is that?!” Sophie asked somewhat shocked, and she pointed to the side of Jayden’s body.

“Ehh, what do you mean?” Jayden asked as he looked at Sophie’s pointing finger in confusion. “Oh, ehh, that’s a scar…..” 

“So that’s what I felt, but how did you get that?” Sophie asked worriedly.

“A long time ago I was attacked by a group of white guys who hate black people. One of them had a knife and he cut me,” responded Jayden casually and he tried to touch Sophie again.

But Sophie had put her hands over her face and turned away from Jayden.
“Sophie, what’s wrong?!” asked Jayden bewildered, and he took one of her hands and pulled it away from her face.
A tear rolled from her eye……
Oh no…., he thought.
“What’s wrong?” Jayden asked again as he put an arm around her.
“How can people be so cruel?” Sophie spoke in a choked voice. “You could have died! Just because you have a different skin color?”

“I’m still alive,” Jayden said reassuringly. “And I left it behind.”
Sophie shook her head in disbelief. The little excitement she felt had completely vanished.
Jayden pulled his feet up on the bed and started kissing Sophie on her shoulder.
“Come on, lie down next to me, please.” he said, hoping she would. “You’re so irresistible with that red hair and those freckles.”

These words cut through her soul….
Any comments about her hair and freckles were such a painful reminder of her past. Sophie couldn’t imagine Jayden being sincere. Was he now also bullying her?
With all her emotions she gave Jayden a big push. “Jayden, stop! I can’t do this.”

Jayden looked shocked and hurt. “But why not? I thought you wanted…”
“I thought I wanted it too, but I’m just not ready,” said Sophie and she started sobbing.
Confused, she grabbed her bra and quickly put it back on.
“Oh Sophie, please, I didn’t mean anything wrong”, Jayden said almost pleadingly.

Without reacting, she grabbed her sweater and put it on the wrong way round. If it wasn’t so serious it was for laughs because it looked so ridiculous. 
Through her tears she saw that her shoes were near the sofa and suddenly stood up. Jayden also quickly got up and didn’t know what to do for a moment. Stopping her probably only made it worse.
“Calm down!” he said. “We should talk about this, right?”

It backfired. Not only sadness, but also anger emerged in Sophie.
NO! she shouted at Jayden and she put on her shoes in frustration. “I am leaving!”

Before Jayden could respond, Sophie got all her stuff and fled from Jayden’s dorm, her heart pounding. Outside, she paused to catch her breath, leaning against her bike. She got on her bike and started pedaling like never before. She had to get out of here!

Jayden stood frozen in his dorm. He couldn’t understand what had just happened. One moment, they were sharing a deep connection, and the next, she was running away, leaving him standing there with a mixture of emotions swirling inside him. He tried to pinpoint where he had gone wrong, but nothing made sense.

As the confusion settled, anger started to rise. He was angry at himself for misreading the situation, for pushing Sophie too far, too fast. But more than that, he was angry at the unfairness of it all. He had only wanted to express his feelings, to show Sophie how much she meant to him. How could such genuine intentions lead to such a painful outcome?

But beneath Jayden’s anger was a deep aching sadness. Seeing Sophie so distressed, so hurt, had pierced his heart. He hated knowing that he had caused her pain, even unintentionally. The sight of her tear-streaked face, her trembling voice, echoed in his mind, filling him with regret and sorrow.

Confused, he grabbed his clothes and went to clean up before going to bed and hoped that Sophie would come home safely. His eyes filled with tears.

After a long bike ride Sophie made it back to her dorm. 
Sophie collapsed onto her bed, her body trembling with the aftershocks of her emotions. She sat up, hugging her knees to her chest. She felt ashamed of her outburst, of running away without an explanation

She had felt so comfortable with Jayden, so happy. So why had she reacted so strongly when he tried to kiss her? Jayden didn’t deserve that. He had only tried to show her how much he cared, and she had lashed out in fear and confusion. But why?

Was it because of past experiences, lingering doubts about her self-worth and body, or something deeper she couldn’t quite grasp? Her thoughts drifted to the hurt look on Jayden’s face, and her heart ached with regret. He had always been so patient and understanding. She wanted to reach out to him, to explain, but she wouldn’t dare. How could she make him understand when she didn’t understand herself? Sophie wiped her tears and took a deep breath.

Later that night they both lay in their own beds, miles apart, distressed and sad, unable to fall asleep. What was supposed to be a wonderful evening for Sophie and Jayden ended in drama for both of them…

Weeks had passed since that evening, and the pain of the sudden rupture still lingered. Jayden had thrown himself into his studies and American football, trying to distract himself from the persistent ache in his heart. But no matter how busy he kept himself, he couldn’t help to continue thinking about Sophie. Every time he saw something that reminded him of her his chest tightened with a mix of nostalgia and sorrow.

Sophie, too, was haunted by that night. She spent her days going through the motions of her routine, attending classes and studying, but always with a hollow feeling inside. If possible, she studiously avoided the library where she had met Jayden. Nights were the hardest, as she lay awake, replaying the scene in her mind, wondering why she had reacted so strongly and regretting the hurt she had caused.

Every day, Sophie berated herself for her reaction. She missed Jayden terribly. She spent countless nights staring at her phone, her fingers hovering over his contact. Hoping he would send a message or wanting to reach out but feeling paralyzed by shame and confusion. Jayden’s absence in her life felt like a gaping hole, a constant reminder of what she had lost. 

She knew she needed to understand her own heart before she could face him again. She talked to friends, seeking their perspectives and advice, but ultimately, she knew the answers had to come from within her.

Then, one morning, Sophie overheard a conversation in the campus cafeteria. Two of Jayden’s teammates were discussing him in hushed tones. She strained to hear their words, her heart pounding.

“Did you hear about Jayden’s mother? She’s in the hospital. It sounds really serious,” one of them said.

Sophie’s blood ran cold. Her thoughts raced. Jayden’s mom? Hospital? She felt so bad for Jayden, because she knew how much his mother meant to him. She had to know more, to find out how Jayden was coping.

Later that afternoon back in her dorm, Sophie paced back and forth, her phone clutched in her hand. Her emotions were a whirlwind—fear for Jayden, guilt for her silence, and a fierce determination to be there for him. Summoning all her courage, she typed out a simple, heartfelt message: 

“Hey Jayden, I heard about your mom. I’m so sorry. If you need anything, I’m here to help.”

Her finger hovered over the send button for a moment, her heart pounding. Then, with a deep breath, she pressed it. The message was sent, and there was no turning back now. It wasn’t until late in the evening that her phone buzzed. She grabbed it, her hands trembling. Jayden’s response was brief:

“Thanks, Sophie. I appreciate it. Can we meet?”

She breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly replied, suggesting the coffee shop. They agreed on a time, and Sophie found herself filled with a mixture of dread and hope. 

As the time for their meeting approached, Sophie took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation ahead. 

Jayden walked in, his face drawn with worry and fatigue. He spotted Sophie immediately, and for a moment, they both just stood there, staring at each other. The air between them was thick with unspoken emotions, a mixture of anxiety, and the lingering hurt from their last encounter.

“Hi,” Jayden said, his voice soft but laced with a hint of apprehension as he sat down across from her.

“Hi,” Sophie replied, her voice barely above a whisper. For a few moments, they sat in awkward silence. Finally, Sophie opened her mouth, summoning the courage to break the silence.

“I heard about your mom,” she began gently, her eyes searching his. “I’m so sorry, Jayden. How is she doing?”

Jayden sighed. “She’s stable now, but it’s been really tough. The doctors are still running tests, and we’re waiting for more information. I’ve been trying to juggle everything—school, hospital visits, and just… dealing with it all.”

Sophie reached across the table, her hand hovering for a moment before she lightly touched his arm. “I can’t imagine how hard that must be for you. I’m here for you, Jayden. Whatever you need, please let me help.”

“Thank you, Sophie. That means a lot to me.”

Sophie nodded, her own eyes filling with unshed tears. “I know things ended badly last time we talked, and I’ve regretted it every day since. I was scared and confused, but I never wanted to hurt you. Seeing you like this… I just want to be there for you now.”

“I appreciate that,” said Jayden calmly. “It’s been overwhelming, and I’ve felt so alone.”

They spent the next hour talking, Jayden sharing more details about his mother’s condition and the challenges he was facing. There were still so many unspoken words between them, but for the moment, the focus was on the present. The farewell was limited to a handshake and the promise that Jayden would keep Sophie informed.

As the weeks passed, Jayden’s mother began to show signs of improvement. The doctors were optimistic, and Jayden felt a weight lifting off his shoulders. Sophie stayed in touch and their conversations became more frequent. But Sophie could still feel the distance between them, as Jayden’s demeanor remained distant and somewhat aloof.

One afternoon, as they sat together on a bench in the park nearby campus, Sophie turned to Jayden with a nervous smile.

“Jayden, can we talk about that night?” she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Jayden looked at her, his eyes softening. “Yeah, perhaps we should.”

She took a deep breath, the words she’d rehearsed so many times finally spilling out. “I reacted so badly because I got scared. Scared of having sex for the first time and how vulnerable I felt.”

Jayden nodded. “I was hurt, but I think I understand. I was scared too. Scared of losing you.”

Sophie leaned in, her forehead gently resting against his. “Can we start over?”

“I’d like that,” said Jayden with mixed emotions. “More than anything but…”
“But what?” Sophie asked as she made eye contact with him.
“ How do we start over Sophie? ” sighed Jayden while he stood up, and for the first time Sophie heard anger in his voice. “You tell me! I’ve been so careful with you and you pushed me away and haven’t heard from you for a while. I never want to be rejected in such a painful way again!”
He trembled of the emotions he felt and looked ahead.

Startled, Sophie also stood up and didn’t know what to say. 
Jayden was right. He had been very careful and she had misbehaved that night. If she wanted to regain his trust, she had to start being honest with him now.
With all the courage she had, she grabbed his hand and said decisively, “We’re going to my dorm.”

Jayden looked at her in surprise. 
“Yes,” Sophie repeated. “We’re going to my dorm. Let’s go!”
They walked in silence to their bikes and Sophie led the way for the twenty minutes of cycling.

When they arrived at the apartment complex where Sophie lived, Jayden still didn’t say anything. He didn’t understand what she wanted.
Sophie didn’t dare say anything but gestured with her index finger that they were going upstairs.

Sophie, clumsily by her nerves, opened the door of her dorm.
“Well, what did I tell you when we were at your place? My dorm is much shabbier than yours, right?” said Sophie, as they stepped inside, hoping that she could take the tension out of the air.

Jayden smiled faintly and took off his jacket. For a moment he looked around because he didn’t know where to put it. 

Sophie noticed and reached out to take his coat. She hung it on the hook on the door along with hers.

“I suggest we sit on my bed,” said Sophie. There was no other option unless one of them had to sit in the chair at the kitchen table.
Somewhat uncomfortably, Jayden sat down on Sophie’s bed near the headboard. 
How could she live so frugally? Jayden wondered.

“I don’t have the money for a bigger place to live and almost nothing will fit here, so this is enough for me,” said Sophie as if she could read his mind. “Moreover, I hardly get any visitors. And I prefer to meet people elsewhere.”

She took off her shoes and sat down next to Jayden, who looked as if he was going to get up and leave at any moment. Sophie put an arm around his waist.
“My behavior that evening had nothing to do with you,” Sophie said as Jayden continued to sit still and remained silent. “I felt so uncomfortable! First, those comments about us during the performance. After that I felt unsafe in your apartment. Your room was fine, but the building gave me shivers. And then your explanation of how you got that scar. And after that your comment about my red hair. Something snapped inside me.”

The pieces finally fell into place for Jayden and he looked at her with tears in his eyes.
“I thought you didn’t want to be with a black man and that’s why you rejected me,” he said with difficulty.
“No, of course not!” Sophie said in a trembling voice. “I think you’re such a beautiful man. I have been bullied so often and for so long because of my appearance. I just didn’t believe you were sincere.”

When she saw a tear running down Jayden’s cheek, she couldn’t help but cry.

Fighting not to cry like Sophie, Jayden vigorously wiped away his tears and took a deep breath. Instead he hugged Sophie and comforted her. “I was sincere. You’re very handsome, and I don’t understand why they bullied you. They were probably jealous!”

Sophie lost herself and had to sob for a while.
“Let it out,” Jayden continued. “Everything will be fine.”

That was a relief! She slowly pulled her face away from him and looked at Jayden.
His face radiated calm and understanding, and with his large fingers he wiped away the remaining tears.
He slowly came closer and leaned his forehead against hers causing the tips of their noses to touch.

Sophie chuckled and gave Jayden a gentle kiss on his mouth.
“I love you,” came out of her mouth in a whisper. 
Jayden’s stomach jumped and he kissed her back. And before they knew it they were snogging. 
They enjoyed each other’s lips, tongue and saliva, and Sophie fiddled with Jayden’s frizzy hair again.
When they let go of each other with a typical ‘kissing noise’, Sophie stood up and turned to the window behind her bed. She quickly closed the threadbare curtains.

“Could you please turn on the light?” Sophie asked. Dazed by what Sophie was planning, Jayden looked around.

“Behind you,”  said Sophie smiling.
“Oh right,” Jayden said and turned on the switch. A yellow glow illuminated the room.
Sophie sat next to him again. “I would love to have sex with you, but I would like to take it slow. Can we first talk about it and see how far we get?
Full of nerves, Jayden nodded.

“What do you want to talk about?” Jayden asked hesitantly.
“Ehh,” Sophie stammered as sit on the bed again. “To be honest, I don’t know.”
They both laughed.
Because she didn’t know what else to ask, she got her knees on the floor and started untying the shoelaces of Jayden’s shoes. She had to use some force to take off his shoes.
Then she took off his socks and Jayden enjoyed the feeling of Sophie’s nails scraping against the soles of his feet.
Jayden’s socks felt warm and sweaty, and she placed them on his shoes.

After taking off her own socks, Sophie got up and stood in front of Jayden.  
He wanted more than anything to take off her clothes, but this time he would leave the initiative entirely to her.
“C- Ca-Can you take off some clothes except your trousers?” asked Sophie nervously.
“Yes of course,” replied Jayden and took off his pullover and shirt.
He gave them to Sophie who folded them neatly and placed them on top of his shoes and socks.

She couldn’t help but look at his scar again, but tried not to stare. So she decided to take off her own sweater and threw it carelessly behind her. This time she unhooked her white bra herself, but she didn’t take it off yet.
Motionless and with wide, eager eyes Jayden watched as Sophie undid her jeans and slowly took them off. A pair of nice legs and a slip in the same color as Sophie’s bra emerged.
Jayden looked fascinated at her beautiful body as she came closer. He couldn’t wait to see her naked.

Sophie put her hands on his broad shoulders and gave him two kisses on his cheek.
She lowered her head towards his chest and pushed it gently. Jayden took the hint and lay down half resting on his forearms. What beautiful muscles, she thought. 
When her head was level with one of his nipples, she smelled a light odor of sweat but it didn’t turn Sophie off.

Suddenly Jayden saw his nipple being licked. He didn’t expect her to do that and he enjoyed the tingling feeling. 
After a few licks, Sophie moved her head even further down, about level with his belly button, and kissed that area.
She didn’t want to, but she went towards his scar anyway. Although not with her mouth, but with her right hand she caressed it.
“Doesn’t it hurt?” Sophie asked, looking seriously at Jayden.
“No, it really doesn’t!” Jayden said soothingly. “Just press it,” and he took Sophie’s hand and pressed it firmly.
“Good to hear,” said Sophie relieved, pulling her hand away and kissing his scar.

And now? Sophie wondered. She decided to take off her bra and let it drop on the floor.
Jayden’s penis, which had been itching for some time now, suddenly became stiff seeing her sexy breasts with those beautiful freckles above them. This time he didn’t dare to comment.
He watched with longing as Sophie undid his pants. To make it easier for her, he lifted his ass so that his pants could be taken off easily.
Intrigued by Jayden’s erection, she didn’t fold his jeans and left them on the floor.

Sophie crouched down and curiously pulled down Jayden’s boxers.
Besides the long and thick penis, she saw a bunch of curly pubic hair.
“Can I touch it?” she asked, looking at Jayden as she got down on her knees.
Jayden nodded in agreement.
Just like herself, the pubic hair was the same color as the head hair. But unlike her, Jayden also had curlier pubic hair, while Sophie’s pubic hair had a different texture than her head hair.
Her right hand rummaged through his bush for a moment.

Carefully she grabbed Jayden’s hard-on by the shaft. 
How is that big thing ever going to get inside me, Sophie wondered. She got shivers for a moment, but she decided not to show it.
She squeezed gently and moved her fingers up and down, and with fascination she saw the skin of penis move along. 
Jayden wanted nothing more than to feel more stimulation, but said nothing.
Sophie slowly moved her face towards his cock and sniffed it. She thought it was a special scent: A mixture of urine and something she couldn’t explain.

Sophie didn’t dare to taste it. Instead she got up and took down her slip.
Jayden rose slightly and looked lustfully at her red haired bush. Just like he imagined when he jerked off to her.
He got off the bed, hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. Sophie blushed.
“Lie down together?”
“Good idea,” Jayden agreed and let her get on the bed first and Jayden got more aroused by the sight of her beautiful butt.
Sophie was now lying with her back to the side of the wall and Jayden lay down in front of her, so their faces were towards each other.

“I’m glad you’re here with me,” said Sophie and she kissed Jayden on the mouth.
He smiled and placed his hand on her hip and gently stroked her, and her expression showed that she enjoyed it.
“Do you feel like going further?”
“Depends what you mean by that,” Sophie said nervously. “Honestly, I don’t know if I’m ready to have intercourse. It seems painful to me and I don’t have condoms.”
“I get it,” Jayden said understandingly. “We’ve got time, and I don’t have condoms with me either and especially for our first time we should have safe sex.”

Those words gave Sophie peace of mind and she grabbed his cock and started to gently jerk it.
“Do you do this often?” she asked in a curious tone.
“What do you mean?” Jayden replied with a grin pretending he didn’t understand her. 
“You know, masturbate!”
“Yes certainly, who doesn’t?!
“How does it actually feel?” asked Sophie and she felt herself starting to get aroused.
“Well, have you never satisfied yourself?” Jayden replied as a counter question.
“Yes, but….”

“How about satisfying each other?” Jayden suggested. “This way we get used to each other’s touches and we still have sex without fucking.”
Sophie responded by moving her body further towards Jayden.
She felt his right hand touching her pubic area while she was still holding his cock.
“What do you think about when you pleasure yourself?”
Jayden cleared his throat and thought about how to say it.
“Since contacting you, I have often thought about you,” he answered honestly after which he felt Sophie’s grip on his cock loosen.

Sophie moved her face closer to his and gave him a kiss, trying to make contact with his tongue.
Jayden held back a little, not because he didn’t like it, but his cock was screaming for attention.
“Come,” he said and took Sophie’s hand and moved it towards his crotch.
Luckily she understood and grabbed his cock again and started stroking it.
He really wanted to know if she had ever fantasized about him, but he didn’t dare ask.
“What do you think about when you masturbate?” he decided to ask more neutrally.
“I’ve often thought about you,” Sophie said shyly, feeling herself turn red again.

Jayden found her breathtakingly sexy with those red cheeks. His warm fingers found their way between her legs and caressed her clit.
“Pffff,” sighed Sophie to avoid a groan.
“How do you masturbate?”Jayden decided to ask now that he started to notice that Sophie was enjoying herself.
“Pillow…..” Sophie replied curtly and the rubbing between her legs started to become more intense.
Jayden felt her thighs tighten around his hand and begin to move faster. 
He would have preferred to be thoroughly satisfied himself, but he understood that he could not expect that from her now.

The pressure between Sophie’s legs started to increase, and she started to help by moving her pelvis.
She was glad that Jayden didn’t say anything anymore, so she could focus on her own pleasure.
With her eyes closed, she pushed on Jayden’s hand, which satisfied her wonderfully.
Just like pillow humping, her back started to get wet with sweat.
Jayden did what he could and continued to rub even though his forearm was starting to cramp.

Jayden watched with amazement and horniness as Sophie opened her mouth and a little saliva came out. After a few more intensive movements, Sophie grabbed the blanket on which they were both lying.
She pressed her face into the pillow and moaned.
Sophie had had her first orgasm thanks to someone else, but it didn’t seem to have fully hit her yet.

Jayden gently withdrew his dark hand from between Sophie’s white, almost pale thighs.
He waved his hand for a moment because of the cramp and brought his hand to his nose.
He had always wondered what the smell of a pussy would be like, and now he could experience it. Also without having to feel ashamed, because Sophie still had her eyes closed.
It smelled a bit sour, but not bad nonetheless.
And because he didn’t want to wipe his wet fingers on Sophie’s bedding, he rubbed his buttocks.

When Sophie opened her eyes she saw Jayden looking at her with a loving expression on his face. 
“Thanks,” she said and rewarded him with a kiss. “Now let’s see if we can do you a favor?”
Jayden grimaced.
Sophie grabbed Jayden’s cock and felt it wasn’t as stiff as before.
“Pick him up a little higher,”Jayden said, while he lay on his back instead of his side.
Sophie did as he said and her index finger and thumb clamped around the glans.
Slowly but surely she felt Jayden’s cock start to get harder again.

Sophie looked at Jayden to see if she was doing it right.
“Now just move down and up slowly,” said Jayden in agreement.
For a better position, Sophie sat down next to Jayden’s left thigh and slowly started jerking.
She watched with fascination as his glans became exposed each time she slowly pulled down.
To further relax and out of confidence towards Sophie, Jayden put his hands under his head and spread his legs a little.
He was ready to cum soon, because he had wanted to for a while.

While she was jerking Jayden off with her right hand, her left hand started tickling the pubic hair under his balls.
“Do you want to go a little faster?” Jayden asked, wanting more stimulation.
The tingling in his cock started to increase.
Sophie did as she was told and increased the pace.
She stopped paying attention to Jayden’s facial expression and just focused on his sexual organ.
Jayden closed his eyes.

Suddenly, Sophie saw white fluid coming out of Jayden’s glans. 
It shot out in shock waves and landed in a number of places: around Jayden’s belly button, in his pubic hair above his cock and it didn’t stop there…
Some of it ended up on Sophie’s fingers.
So this is what semen feels like, Sophie thought.
She felt the warm sticky liquid and watched it drip down from her fingers while she still held Jayden’s cock.
Jayden also had his first orgasm thanks to someone else.

Jayden raised his head slightly.
He saw the cum on his body and Sophie’s hand and looked around. 
Shit, no tissues or socks to use right now! he thought.
“Ehh, Sophie, do you have something to wipe the stuff away with?”
Without hesitation, Sophie grabbed her pillow from the end of her bed, which she often used for humping.
First she wiped off her hand, which was covered in semen. Then she took the pillowcase off the pillow and used it as a cloth to wipe the remaining cum from Jayden’s body.

When Sophie was done, she folded the pillowcase a few times and dumped it on the floor.
“Now you have to wash it!” said Jayden faintly when Sophie lay down next to him
“Yes!” Sophie replied firmly. “And that’s about time too.”
“What do you mean?”
“I told you, I use my pillow to masturbate!” said Sophie, this time more confident, and she looked at Jayden with a grin.
Jayden grinned back and put an arm around her, after which Sophie laid her head half on Ayden’s chest.

“Ehh, Jayden,” said Sophie after they lay silently against each other for a while.
“I know, it’s time for me to go,” said Jayden, finishing what she meant to say, as he looked into her eyes.
“I didn’t mean it unkind,” Sophie replied quickly, who was feeling embarrassed. 
It became clear how well Jayden was getting to know her. 

She wanted to be alone for a while. It was such a big step for Sophie that she dared to do this. Not that it had been unpleasant and she didn’t want to send him away rudely.
“I understand,” Jayden said understandingly.
He let go of Sophie and got off the bed. On the floor he saw his clothes and the pillowcase with his cum stains.

Sophie saw how Jayden started to get dressed and also got off the bed. 
When they were almost dressed, Sophie hugged Jayden from behind. 
“I liked it,” she said in a whisper.
Jayden turned around and kissed Sophie on the cheek.
“I loved it too.”
For a moment he wanted to ask when they could meet up again, but he knew Sophie needed space. He felt like he had won her trust and he didn’t want to ruin that by rushing things.

When Sophie and Jayden had said goodbye downstairs near the bicycles, Sophie went back to her room.
It was nice having sex for the first time, but everything had to sink in for a while.
She walked over to the pillowcase and picked it up from the floor. She felt the wet spots and smelled them. 
It didn’t smell pleasant, but it didn’t smell so bad that it was repulsive to her.
Sophie briefly considered licking it, but she didn’t dare.
The pillowcase ended up in the washing machine together with the bedding.

Two days later Jayden was about to leave home for Sophie. He took his overnight things and had butterflies in his stomach.

The day before yesterday he and Sophie had texted late at night while both in bed. 
Finally, Sophie asked him to come today, even though they had class. She had texted that she was “ready for it”.
Jayden had innocently asked if he should ‘buy something’, but Sophie wanted to do that herself.

With a pounding heart, Sophie opened the door when there was a knock. 
There stood Jayden with his bag and a bouquet of flowers, which he had bought for her on the way. 
It made Sophie blush once again.
With a shy ‘thank you’, she took the flowers and put them in the sink because she didn’t have a vase.
Jayden saw that Sophie had prepared herself for the occasion: The curtains of her room were already closed and her bed was now positioned differently. 
The side was nog longer against the wall, but the headboard was. And there was no blanket on the bed, just a pillow.

After Jayden took off his coat, he sat on the bed with Sophie. Since she had no place to sit for the two of them, that was the only option for them to have their tea together.
To take the palpable tension out of the air, Sophie started talking about their upcoming sexual experience herself. 
“I want to take it easy and if it hurts I want to stop!”
Jayden nodded in agreement and took his last sip of tea.
Sophie grabbed his cup and placed it on the kitchen counter along with hers, which still contained tea.

Then Jayden watched her walk through the door where her bathroom was. 
He heard some rumbling, a tap running and the flushing of the toilet. After a few minutes Sophie came back wearing only a bathrobe.
There was nothing else to see except her bare lower legs and in her hands were a few packages and a plastic bottle.
“I brushed my teeth, took a pee and already took off my clothes,” said Sophie and from the look on her face, she hoped Jayden would do the same.
Jayden smiled and stood up and grabbed his bag, after which Sophie sat on the bed.

In the bathroom Jayden grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste and brushed his teeth. 
After that he took off all his clothes except his boxer shorts. 
When he saw Sophie’s underwear, while hanging up his own clothes, Jayden got an instant hard-on; Today was going to happen what he had been longing for for a while.
He pulled down his boxers a little and took a look at his cock.
His only worries were that it would hurt Sophie or that he would come too early
To save up some cum, he had deliberately not jerked off since Sophie masturbated him. This way his orgasm would become more intense.

When Jayden walked back to Sophie, he saw her waiting for him on the edge of the bed, her things next to her. 
She had her legs crossed and her bathrobe still closed.
What a beautiful body he has, she thought as he approached. His muscles stood out beautifully, and she loved his dark colored skin.
Sophie liked the idea of ​​using that to get in the mood, although she could tell from the bulge in Jayden’s boxers that he didn’t need it.

Jayden sat next to her and gave her a kiss.
A wonderful French kiss followed and it tasted wonderfully fresh thanks to their brushed teeth.
She noticed how Jayden wanted to take off her bathrobe, but Sophie grabbed his hand.
“I know you want to, but let’s take it easy,” said Sophie calmly. Drive me crazy with your compliments! What do you find attractive about me?
Somewhat dazed by the excitement, Jayden had to think for a moment. 
“Uhh, yes of course,” he said casually.

Jayden took some distance from Sophie and looked deep into her eyes. 
“I find you wildly attractive,” he said sincerely. “From the moment I saw you in the library. You have such a beautiful body and a beautiful face. And your smile is to die for!”
It made Sophie feel warm again.
“But what gets me excited,” Jayden continued, “is your ass, your breasts and your bush of hairs. So incredibly sexy!
Even though Sophie had specifically asked for it, she was still very flattered.
“Oh, and you can see the proof here,” Jayden pointed to the boner in his boxers.

Sophie looked behind her and grabbed a pack of condoms and took one out. She crouched down in front of Jayden and pulled down his shorts.
She was about to remove the condom from the foil when she heard, “What do you find attractive about me?”
“You are very handsome in general, but I find your trained body and your dark skin very sexy,” said Sophie as she pulled out the condom.
For a moment she had to figure out how to do it, but then placed the condom on Jayden’s erection and pulled it down. 
That went smoothly.

Sophie grabbed Jayden’s cock by the shaft and moved her mouth closer. 
She opened her mouth and took the cock into her mouth, which she did up to the roof of the mouth.
Further than that she didn’t dare have his cock in her mouth without gagging. 
Besides being safe, it was also pleasant for Sophie.
She asked at the drugstore what kind of condoms to use for blowjobs. On advice, she bought some with a fruit flavor. This one was strawberry flavored.
Sophie started sucking, and Jayden sighed in pleasure. 
The girl he loved was on her knees to give him oral pleasure. And he understood why the guys on his team would brag so much when they got another blow job from their girlfriends; it was arousing that a woman wanted to do this to a man.

The babbling continued for a while.
But as much as Jayden enjoyed it, he knew he wouldn’t cum like this anytime soon. He stroked Sophie’s straight hair with his hands.
When she stopped he grabbed her shoulders and wanted her up.
Lucky me, she thought because her mouth started to cramp and being on her knees all the time wasn’t much fun either.
She crawled onto the bed and she and Jayden lay next to each other.
“What do you say if I do you now?” Jayden asked.
Sophie understood what he meant, but shook her head. 

I still want to try to fuck, Sophie said nervously. “I’m aroused and I bought some lube,” and she pointed to the bottle near Jayden’s feet.
Like a true gent, Jayden grabbed the packets and the bottle.
“Take off your condom and put this one on,” said Sophie as she took another condom from another package. “These are with lubricant. We try it this way first and if that doesn’t work, I can always use extra lubricant.”
“What should I do with this?” Jayden asked hesitantly as he removed the condom from his cock. 
“Give it to me,” Sophie replied and she put it along with the packages and bottle stuff on the floor to the right of her bed.

Sophie handed Jayden the new condom.
It was also the first time for him to use a condom but luckily he had seen Sophie do it to him.
The condom slid smoothly around his cock and his dark skin was visible through the condom.
His fingers felt slippery because of the lubricant, and he wiped them off discreetly by placing his hand on his hip.
Sophie crawled over him, with her legs on either side of his body; Her knees and shins were on the mattress and her pussy was aimed at his cock.
“If it hurts you in any way……” Jayden said worriedly.
“I’ve been practicing,” Sophie said in a trembling voice. 
“What do you mean?”
“Well, last night I imitated the thickness of your cock with my fingers and fingered myself…”

Jayden didn’t know what to say, as he watched Sophie slowly sink down.
Her red pubic hair almost touched his glans.
With her hand, Sophie guided Jayden’s cock and his cockhead slid smoothly into her.
It felt tight and at the same time very nice for Jayden. Just like with jerking off, he always preferred some pressure on his cockhead.
It felt less pleasant for Sophie. Though, it didn’t hurt very much, it took some getting used to.
She took a deep breath and slowly lowered herself down and tried not to think about it too much.

To Jayden, his cock became less visible until only Sophie’s red bush was visible.
He saw Sophie’s breasts getting closer to his face as she leaned forward.
He placed his hands on her hips and spread his legs a little, feeling Sophie’s feet against his thighs.
Jayden had to resist the temptation not to thrust into her because it felt so incredibly good.
Slowly and carefully, Sophie began to rock back and forth.
She had her eyes closed and tried not to think that it hurt. Now she was really sitting on Jayden and not on a pillow anymore.

When she got used to the filled feeling inside her, Sophie started moving up and down. It felt better than she expected, but she didn’t dare go too hard yet.
For Jayden it was pure enjoyment because it was so much better than a handjob or blowjob.
Wow, for the first time in his life he was fucking!
When he noticed that Sophie’s pace was starting to increase, he wrapped his arms around her back.
The old bed started making squeaking and creaking noises, adding to the sexual excitement.
Suddenly Jayden said ‘wait’ and Sophie stopped abruptly. She opened her eyes again and looked at him in shock.
“I almost came and I don’t want to yet,” Jayden said.

Sophie rose and Jayden’s cock slid out of her. Relieved that it wasn’t as painful as had imagined, she lay down next to him.
“Did you actually like it?” asked Jayden.
“It didn’t hurt, but it might take some time getting used to,” responded Sophie. “For now, I prefer getting rubbed down there.”
No sooner had she said it than Jayden was rubbing her pubic area with his fingers.
“How was it for you?” Sophie asked, smiling at Jayden.
“I didn’t say for nothing that I was almost coming,” he grinned back and he started stroking her clit just like two days ago.

Sophie enjoyed the fact that Jayden knew exactly where to touch her.
Again she lay on her side and pressed her legs together so she felt more friction.
And as the arousal increased, she began to move rhythmically herself; It looked like the same ‘fuck movements’ from just a moment ago, but on her side.
Jayden’s big and warm fingers felt like they were made to please her.
After a slow build up, Jayden started rubbing harder just like yesterday. He knew she could take it.
Sophie started to feel hot and sweat was on her back.
It didn’t take long before she came, moaning.
After the convulsions, Jayden carefully pulls his hand away from between his legs. 
This time he licked the moisture from his fingers. However, Sophie did not notice it, she still enjoyed her orgasm.

When Sophie recovered, it wasn’t just her back that felt wet with sweat. It felt sweaty even between her buttocks. But Jayden was looking at her so she didn’t dare touch it. 

“Do you want to fuck some more?” Sophie asked without thinking. “Then you can cum too!”
Jayden couldn’t help but grin.
“But put on a new condom!” and Sophie took the package and gave it to Jayden. And while he was busy putting on a new condom, Sophie quickly rubbed her fingers between her buttocks where it itched.
“Shall we try the standard position this time?” Sophie suggested.

Sophie pressed Jayden’s shoulder so he moved out of the way and stood up.
She lay down in the middle of the bed with her head on the pillow and spread her legs. 
Jayden got between her legs and gently pushed his cock inside her. 
As he went further into her their pubic hair touched. He was a beautiful combination of red and black hair.
Jayden grabbed her waist with his hands and started thrusting gently.
In and out. And in and out.
Sophie, who was now a lot wetter, liked this a lot better than before.

After a few more thrusts, Sophie motioned for Jayden to lie down on her.
It felt awkward for a moment, because Jayden was heavier than her, but then it felt nice.
He was now deeply in her and luckily it didn’t hurt her, and she caressed his back with her hands.
Jayden started humping.
He started slowly but when he realized that Sophie was not in pain, his pace began to increase.
And you could hear that, because the bed started to creak again.
Meanwhile, Sophie raised her legs and found the penetration more pleasant.
Jayden’s breathing increased and he couldn’t help but pant. Sophie, on the other hand, let out soft moans.

Listen here to the squeaks of Sophie’s bed.

“Ohhh, so good,” Jayden moaned and he did not know how long he would last.
He wanted to experience an orgasm so badly.
He grabbed Sophie’s shoulders to get a better grip. She in turn squeezed his buttocks.
This made Jayden start fucking her harder, making the creaks and squeaks of the bed louder.
It sounded like the bed was going to give way at any minute now. 
And then, then Jayden came, moaning.
He felt the cum shoot out of his cock.

Sophie also felt that Jayden was ready. 
Literally because he was lying exhausted on top of her. 
“Come on,” she said and kissed him so he got up. 
Exhausted, Jayden got up.
When Jayden had taken off the condom, he and Sophie lay down next to each other. 
They laughed and joked some more about the ‘fuck bed’ as they decided to call it.

After another kiss, they continued to lie lovingly and contentedly in each other’s arms. 
They were no longer virgins.

AUTHOR: Freida

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